A snapshot´s consequences…


As a member of the “Kolping-family” Felix Schöllhorn travelled to Rome. This group photograph with Adrian K. Ddungo, the future bishop of Masaka (Uganda), was taken spontaneously at the St. Peters Square. This was the beginning of a wonderful, beneficial friendship.


Bishop Adrian K. Ddungu visited the Schöllhorn family in Wangen. Many other visits were to follow.


The Schöllhorn family made a return visit and took the chance to establish precious contacts with socially committed people on site. Deeply touched by the poverty and the encounters with local people, the Schöllhorn family decided: We want to help!
Uganda also became a matter of heart for Margareta Riese, Helene and Felix’ daughter, and her husband Eberhard. In the following years, many projects were mastered: Around Masaka numerous wells were drilled. In Nakiyaga a Vocational school and a hospital ward were established, six women-groups initiated.
In Buyambi a Primary school with an associated boarding school was established and many other projects initiated by local partners and friends were supported.


Helene Schöllhorn stirbt und kurz darauf ihr Mann Felix.


Bischof Adrian stirbt in Uganda


„awamu – zusammen für Uganda e. V.“ was founded. On the day of the foundation, 59 members already signed the membership list.